About James Tecuatl-Lee

in his capacity as a composer

Hailing from Earth, James is a human composer who enjoys coffee and beer. His musical style has been called weird, but accessible, and he has written for both instrumental and vocal groups, including Ensemble Mise-En, the Del Sol String Quartet, SF Choral Artists, Sacred and Profane Chamber Chorus, the Kahlo Quartet, Panoramic Voices, the Inversion Ensemble, Goliath Was Bigfoot, and Invoke. You can find him at a local cafe, performing with one of several choral groups in Austin, petting a dog, or at a variety of other locations designed to bring humans together for social activities.

Musical drama is an area of particular interest for James. While studying music at Dartmouth College, James completed his first large scale dramatic work, a chamber opera called Hermaphroditus and Salmacis, under the tutelage of composer Kui Dong. After graduating with honors in music, James moved to Oakland, CA, where he wrote music for several choruses. James currently resides in Austin, TX, where he is active as a performer and composer in the choral and new music scenes.